+420 381 205 309 info@raselina.cz


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Basic contact information

Rašelina a.s. – Company Headquarters

Na Pískách 488
392 01 Soběslav

IČO: 60071214 DIČ: CZ60071214

Reference: B 620 held by the Regional Court in České Budějovice

Date of entry: 01.01.1994
Shares: 197 277 named shares in certificated form with a nominal value of 1000 CZK
Subscribed capital: 197 277 000 CZK


How to find us


Tel.: +420 381 205 301
E-mail: sekretariat@raselina.cz

Sales Department

Tel.: +420 381 205 309 - 310
Fax: +420 381 205 320
E-mail: obchod@raselina.cz

Quality Department

Tel.: +420 381 205 317
E-mail: janousek@raselina.cz

Production Department

Tel.: +420 381 205 316
E-mail: prokupek@raselina.cz

Economics Department

Tel.: +420 381 205 313
E-mail: mojzisova@raselina.cz

Personnel Department

Tel.: +420 381 205 312
E-mail: pazderova@raselina.cz

How to get here

Road for lorries

Heading towards České Budějovice - Exit 95 Soběslav – after leaving the motorway, go straight across the crossroads towards Chlebov (freight transport is diverted along this road going along the D3 motorway) – at the end of the road, turn right towards Soběslav – at the next crossroads, turn left onto Na Pískách street

Heading towards Praha (Prague) - Exit to Soběslav – after leaving the motorway, turn left – past the bridge turn left towards Chlebov (freight transport is diverted along this road going along the D3 motorway) ) – at the end of the road, turn right towards Soběslav – at the next crossroads, turn left onto Na Pískách street


Concern ownership

Controlling entityOwnership shareControlled entity
Rašelina a.s. 100 % ZLT servis s.r.o.
Rašelina a.s. 100 % Rašelina zahradní centrum s.r.o.
Rašelina a.s. 100 % Rašelina SK s.r.o.